Monday, November 14, 2005

Back to Grid Discussions

The main character in the novel I'm writing manages several rogue botnets that carry out his Quixotic will. They are his NSA, his mob assassins, his librarians, and his bodyguards. They sit, not interrupting, not interfering with their hosts, until they are triggered to do their master's bidding.

The idea that grid computing could be sabotaged by hackers getting into the system is precisely why I wrote several patents on the subject of creating fiduciarily responsible distributed computing environments. The idea that a grid computing operation would naturally be safe is absurd, even though one of my commenters pointed out that internal networks didn't have to worry about such things.

If low-paid editors from ZNet can write about it (sorry, David B., I'm just guessing from friends in the industry), then hackers are already working on it. Grid computing needs to quickly grow up and take on the reins of security, auditability, and introspection for the purposes of ensuring that what is performed is what is requested.

Even if fiduciary responsibility isn't needed in grid computing projects, auditability, accountability and the management of individual grid notes is a prime requirement.


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